Private Legal Debt Recovery
What Does The Service Offer?
Are you trying to recover private legal debt from an individual or business?
At Pride Legal Debt Recovery, we can help to recover private legal debts owed to you through our legal administration service – all for a one-off fee of £60.
The service includes all paperwork to get this done. Administration and updates will be given to you - all you have to do is to pick up the phone.
Our private legal debt recovery services can:
- Help to recover private legal debts.
- Take legal action against those refusing to give over their debt.
- Take statements and provide these to the court.
Please note that you do not have to pay for a lawyer unless your case is defended by the defendant.
Why Choose Pride?
As an established legal debt recovery, Pride has a team of qualified Legal Administrators who have over 50 years of combined experience for legal administration. Together, they work quietly and discreetly to ensure your private legal debts get recovered safely and securely.
Are you able to provide Legal Advice?
No, we are legal administrators that assist in court action where debt collection is required / necessary. Only Solicitors are qualified to give legal advice.
What information do you need to start the collection process?
We need the name and address and any other contact details you have for the debtor such as telephone numbers and email address. If it is a Company that owes you money, the name of the person who placed the order/service and any purchase order number or reference. You should also be able to provide paperwork to support your claim and we require copies of relevant invoices, contracts if applicable and any correspondence you have with the debtor concerning the debt.
What is your success rate?
Our Company has a very good success rate which corroborated in our client testimonials.
We aim to get your payment or judgement as quickly as possible but the following circumstances may extend the process or make it impossible to elicit payment.
- The debt is disputed
- The debtor is insolvent – Bankrupt, In Receivership , In Liquidation or In Administration
- The debtor has no money or assets
- The debtor has absconded (we can try and trace)
- The debt is too old and no contact has been made with the debtor
- There is no or inconclusive paperwork to back up the claim
Do not leave it too long to chase money that is owed to you – the longer you leave it, the less likely you are to get paid. Most debtors realise you are serious about collecting your money when you instruct a third party and realise it is in their interest to resolve the matter.
If you are unable to get payment from the debtor, what is the next step?
Use Pride’s Litigation Administration System at £60.00 per instruction which is 75% cheaper than solicitors’ fees.
The sooner you start the
court process, the more
likely you are to recover
your money